Tomas Nedavaska
Permanent correspondent IOSI Media Human rights and drug policy
Tomas believes in the superpower of nature, human goodwill, generosity, and the voluntary giving of help. Personal motto: “What will happen if I don’t cut my hair despite prejudice.” He speaks Czech, English, Slovak, Russian. He divides his time between Canada, Europe, and Australia. As a recognized member of multidisciplinary teams of analysts, he addresses specific Biomedical Engineering, Psychology, and Psychopharmacology topics. Thanks to a daily basis practicing Open-source intelligence (OSINT) on a professional level, he is always timeless with intelligent insights into geopolitical aspects of our presence. As a well-known long-term correspondent for facilitating counter-narcotics cooperation, he is the right person to discuss equal policy balance for “The war on drugs” and legalization. Tom’s immense knowledge of human history and his insight into the meaning of religious texts combined with his talent for math make his work an invaluable guide to the future. He is a bridge between the analog and digital paradigm. Tomas is a member of GNS Press. He is a permanent correspondent to several media, notably for publishing houses in Germany, the Diplomatic media GmbH.