Investigation Case 

Missing and murdered Indigenous women

PROJECT PHASE Project conception and initiation


Indigenous women in North America face more violence than any other population of women in the same area. So much so that it has been described as genocide, an epidemic of violence.

From the day they are born Indigenous women and girls are at high risk of abuse, violence and death. Abused, Missing Murdered.

       In the USA 1 in 3 Indigenous Women are sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

       Indigenous Women are almost 3x more likely to be killed by a stranger than non-Indigenous Women.

       Indigenous women make up 4.3% of the Canadian population, yet they represent 16% of all female murder victims and 11.3% of all missing women cases.

And yet the issue remains one with little government or state attention.



Indigenous women and girls are victims to these levels of violence and abuse due to racism, sexism and systems built on a colonial history.

Indigenous Women are socially, economically, and politically marginalised and high levels of poverty and homelessness contribute to their vulnerability.

Indigenous Women and Girls are innocent victims to a violent world.



Over the last 2 decades, some change has occurred due to, and to combat, this epidemic. The REDress Project, The Native Womens Association of Canada, Families of Sisters in Spirit and No More Silence are just some of the organisations and projects involved in the protection of Indigenous women, and act to bring attention to the issue in an attempt to kickstart change.

However, law enforcement is unable to give the issue the necessary time and resources due to restraints on these resources. Law enforcement simply does not have the capacity to combat such an extensive issue, so widespread throughout North America.



The future of the protection of Indigenous Women and Girls depends on the development of effective modern solutions now.

IOSI aims to help protect Indigenous Women and Girls in the following ways: 


OSINT is an Open Source Intelligence methodology that is used to collect and analyse data from publicly accessible sources.

IOSI has access to a sea of individual OSINT experts all around the world. The use of OSINT will help in the process of locating missing Indigenous women, and the perpetrators responsible for the violence faced by these women.

OSINT Training: 

IOSI experts provide OSINT training. This training is available to first responders as well as member of the general public, and the newly acquired knowledge can be used for a wide variety of things, including the collection of data important to cases of missing and murdered Indigenous Women. 

Education, Awareness and Communication:

The new IOSI Members Platform has been created to combat the changing nature of Global Crime. The platform acts as a virtual space that connects all members, allowing the free and unfiltered communication between them. With the option of anonymity, members can publish articles regarding Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, connect with experts, express opinions and views, and develop strategies. 

IOSI however, cannot function alone. It depends on the support of members and communities. To help protect Indigenous Women and Girls the world needs to step forward. Do better. Be better.


Help us Help Indigenous Women and Children.